1. Purpose and ownership of ATACHO S.L.U.
This web page has been created for the purpose of offering the user detailed information regarding ATACHO S.L.U., as well as different means whereby contact and communication may be made with us. Likewise, it offers the possibility of accessing information regarding ATACHO S.L.U.
You may contact us at the following email address:
Telephone: +34 955752890
2. Conditions for using the service
2.1. Obligation of correctly using the service.
The conditions for accessing and using this web page are subordinated to the laws in force and to the principles of good faith and lawful use on the part of the user thereof. Wherefore it is totally forbidden, in a general manner, to perform any type of action to the detriment of ATACHO S.L.U. and contrary to this Legal Notice.
The user undertakes to use this service without incurring in activities that may be considered illicit or illegal, that infringe the rights of ATACHO S.L.U. or third parties, or that may damage, render useless, overload or deteriorate the Service, or prevent the normal use thereof on the part of other users.
2.2. Request for contents​
The user should abstain from making requests for contents offered through this web page by using means or procedures other than those made available, different from the ones that were specified on the web page, or different from the ones that are normally used on the Internet and provided that the same do not entail any risk of Service disablement and of its contents.
2.3. Prohibitions
It is forbidden to use this website for unlawful or unauthorised purposes, specifically and without restrictive nature:
- Any form of infringement of third party rights (privacy rights, self-image, copyrights and industrial rights, etc.).
- To perform, using the contents of this website, any type of publicity such as sending unsolicited emails (spam) or similar communication.
- To introduce computer viruses, corrupted files, or any other software or computer programme that may cause damages or unauthorised alterations to the contents or accessible systems through this web page.
3. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
The rights of reproduction, distribution and public communication of the web page, are property of ATACHO S.L.U. All the text, designs, contents, structure, database, logos, source codes and other elements of the web page are protected by law and international treaties in force in the matter.ATACHO S.L.U. holds all the necessary intellectual property rights for exploiting the web page and the group of elements that integrate the same.
Any reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other form of exploitation of all or part of the content of the web page, performed in any manner or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical or other, are hereby strictly forbidden. The infringement of these rights shall give rise to the exercise of the corresponding civil and/or criminal judicial proceedings.
ATACHO S.L.U. is owner of the trademarks, logos and domain names related to the Services that are rendered through its web page, wherefore the reproduction or unauthorised use thereof is strictly forbidden by the owner of the same.
4. Privacy Policy
All personal data facilitated through the web page to perform any type of request, order, information remittance, suggestion or similar is hereby subject to what is specified in our Privacy Policy, the content whereof also forming an integral part of this Legal Notice and rules of use.
5. Exemption from Liability
The user shall be the sole party liable for the infringements wherein the same may incur, or for the damages that may be caused to third parties from the undue or illegitimate use of the web page.
ATACHO S.L.U. shall not be liable for possible damages that may be derived from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operation of the electronic or data processing systems, arising from causes foreign to the company, for the delays or blockages in the use of said system caused by deficiencies or overload of telephone lines, overloads in the Internet system or in other electronic systems.
The users make use of the hyperlinks at their own risk. The links that appear on the web page to other pages are established for purely informational purposes and do not suppose any type of association with the linked websites, nor are they a recommendation of the products or services offered by those pages. ATACHO S.L.U. does not guarantee the conditions, nor the legality of the contents, nor the correct provision of services offered to the user by third parties, which may be accessed by links established on these pages. It is also not liable for the hyperlinks that its clients may create through its web pages.
ATACHO S.L.U. is exempt of liability regarding the "cookies" that third parties install in the hard disk of the computer of the user.
Neither is ATACHO S.L.U. liable for the typographic errors or inaccuracies that may be perceived in the contents of its web page.
6. Service
ATACHO S.L.U. reserves the right to facilitate access to its web page, without prior notice, temporarily and at its own discretion, as well as the right to amend, update, correct unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation, Legal Notice, conditions of service, or of the use of the web page, as well as the contents of the same and, in any case, with due respect to the applicable regulation.
7. General Issues
For any disputes which may arise regarding the interpretation, application and/or compliance of this Legal Notice, as well as of the claims that may be derived from the use thereof, the Spanish law shall be applicable.
The intervening parties hereby agree to be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Spanish Courts and Tribunals in case of conflict, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.